ICCRE2025 @ Nagoya, Japan
May 9-11, 2025

ICCRE 2025 Invited Speakers

Prof. Weiwei Wan
 Osaka University, Japan

Biography: Weiwei Wan is an associate professor working at the School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Japan. He is an IEEE senior member, having affiliations with the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, and the IEEE System, Man, and Cybernetics Society.  He is also a member of RSJ (the Robotics Society of Japan) and JSME (Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers). Weiwei Wan's  major interest is smart manufacturing using single or multiple robotic manipulators: Developing and deploying grasping planning, motion planning, and other low level and high level task planning algorithms for next-generation factories. He is also studying visual perception, force control, and learning approaches to make up for the inherent shortages of planning algorithms.