ICCRE2024 @ Osaka University, Japan
May 10-12, 2024

ICCRE2024 | Osaka, Japan

The 2024 9th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering took place both on-site and online in Osaka, Japan from May 10 to 12, 2024. The conference featured a total of 5 distinguished speakers, 7 on-site sessions, 1 poster session, and 4 online sessions. The event attracted over 120 participants, contributing to its success and fostering meaningful discussions and collaborations within the field of control and robotics engineering. The blend of on-site and online participation provided a dynamic and inclusive platform for knowledge exchange and networking opportunities, further enriching the overall conference experience.

Conference Proceedings 

ICCRE2024 Conference Proceedings - Cover  

Photo Gallery 
Opening Remark: Prof. Makoto Iwasaki
(Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan) 
Welcome Address: Prof. Weiwei Wan
(Osaka University, Japan)  

Keynote Speeches delivered respectively by Prof. Hong Zhang (IEEE Fellow, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), China), Prof. Shugen Ma (IEEE Fellow, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), China) and Prof. Makoto Iwasaki (IEEE Fellow, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan). 

Invited Speeches given by Prof. Shingo Shimoda (Nagoya University, Japan) and Assoc Prof. Kwok-Ho LAM (University of Glasgow, UK) 

Technical Session Photos 
Best Presenter - Bugra Coskun  Best Presenter - Kaiqiang Zhang  Best Presenter - Chi-Ying Lin 
Best Presenter - Eike Furuno  Best Presenter - Teham Bhuiyan  Best Presenter - Anand R 
Best Presenter - Mirko Waldner  Best Presenter - Jingya Wang  Best Presenter - Sofia Chergui